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Barnacles, Beers, and Brawls
Bartending Simulator
A fast-paced bar management simulator! Satisfy as many customers as you can before you walk the plank!
Step into the shoes of Ginger Beard as you frantically run around serving customers, cleaning spills, and fighting rowdy patrons in this arcade-style bar management sim.


2D/3D Animator
Concept Artist
I worked as a concept artist and animator on this project. I was tasked with creating concepts for unique custumers that the player could have interacted with when tending the bar. Many of them went unused as we scaled back our ideas for the game. After that I was tasked on creating the animations needed for the game. I was also oversaw the animtions done by our teams second animator as he was less experienced. It was my second time working in 3D for animation and had to work closely with model rigger to make sure nothing would break as we worked. However, the person doing thing riging was also inexperienced so it took a lot time and iterations to get models we could work with. I also storyborded a couple of 2D cutscenes but due to time constraints and other classes they were scrapped quickly. Other than the main character and the walk cycle of the governor npc I created all of the animations for the game.

Overall it was a pleasure to work with my team on this game. It was filled with very talented people and despite the bugs I believe we created a fun game. What had held us back in development was our lack of experience working in such a large group. We went from working in groups of 5-6 to 25+, this sudden shift was tough on the producers but they handled it well. Also it a long time to get usable rigged models which slowed my own work.
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